übernommen von Cosia Immerscheen

International Contemporary Artists Book , Vol. 2, 2011


Im Mai 2011 erscheint die zweite Ausgabe von “International Contemporary Artists Book”, ICA Publishing, New York und Athen 2011, ISBN 978-960-93-2985-9

Darin gemeinsam mit 286 Künstlern aus 40 Ländern der Welt: Cosia Immerscheen

Cosia Immerscheen says:

I am making digital artworks with sunny-side-ups in the pan and I call it EGGart.

On my EGGart-website, time is tuned down loud und gentle, foggy clear und full of doubts with exquisite and high demanding to be true.

Because – is there anyone in a position to find the right words, to get to the bottom of all secrets und myteries of life?

Let us try to approach with my EGGart.

I am in a wonderful position – there is no pressure to have valid answers. For me in case of sure doubts, my answer always will be:

All is focussed in that wonderful little egg, turning out, proving, showing in a little sunny-side-up!

Egg = mc2

Am Ort des Geschehens – wenn Küche, Herd und Bratpfanne zum Atelier werden



Rotwerden – na ja, meinen die Eier, wenn man so zu Ehren kommt…